Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Will Illeana Rise to the Top

Hey guys so I just watched Easy to Assemble third show of the season two which was pretty funny. Illeana Douglas ends up being demoted by having to work in the basement of IKEA for stealing cookies. Elleana is trying to get Kent Nichols and Douglas Sarine to help her make an ask a ninja video to win co-worker of the year. Check it out and let me know what you guys think.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Justine vs Illeana

So the competitive spirit arises in Easy to Assemble as Justine Bateman and Illena Douglas starts to really go head to head with a dog eat dog attitude especially in season 2, ep. 2 and season 2, ep.3. In ep. 3 Justine came up with her own talk show inside of the IKEA store in response to Illeana holding a team building event that really turned out to be speed dating in season 2 ep. 2. I thought that both ideas were pretty riducless but if I had to pick the one that was the most riducless I would have to say the team building event aka speed dating. Check ep. 2 and 3 both out and let us know which one gets the two employees closest to the employee of the year award.
After you decide not only can you let all of us on this blog, ya for letting us know, but you can also vote for the contest between the two on the web-site.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

If You Love Comedy Then Watch This

Ok guys I just got done watching the newest show of Easy to Assemble and it is really funny I was impressed because this was my first time to ever watch an on-line comedy serious so I didn't know exactly what to expect. From the very begging I found the show very funny. It started out with one of the Michael Panes with Gotcha Nation at the zoo chasing Mel Gibson or at least who he thought was Mel Gibson. I thought that all of the acting was really good as well. There is more specific things I liked about it but I don't want to ruin it for you guys so check it out! Here is the link:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Improv and Us

Hey guys do you know what is really fun improv. I know I mentioned this in my other post but that didn't do improv justice. So I just started taking free improv classes with Monkey Butler which is the inspiration behind the title of my blog. I thought that it would be difficult but its really fun. Of coarse it can be challenging at times but never the less its still fun. The way I discovered improv was on an an artisans re-treat called Tara Nova with my church Mosaic and I tried improv as one of my activities. I fell in love with improv and after that I knew that I wanted to take improv classes back home in Los Angeles after the re-treat. So what about any of you guys? Have you found improv or some other form of acting to be a blast? If so we would love to hear about your experiences as well.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tim Meadows and IKEA

Hey guys lets talk about Tim Meadows. My funniest memory of Tim Meadows is from Saturday Night Live and as the Ladies Man. Recently I have really grown in my appreaction for the art of comedy acting as I have decided to start taking improv classes so when ever I see such a talented individual as Tim Meadows I am really impressed as I'm learning the difficulties of comedy acting. I was actually rather delighted when I found out that Tim started his career with improv. Anyway sorry for the improv tangent but lets start the blog by talking about Tim Meadows. What we think is the funniest piece or show he has been a part of or if you have comedy acting experience that you would like to share feel free to blog on that as well. By the way Tim Meadows is in a new on-line series called Easy to Assemble where Tim is applying for a job position with IKEA and he has SNL on his resume very funny stuff check it out and you can comment on that as well.